Tobacco Info

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Tobacco Info No. 9, April 2012 

See this issue in PDF:  mag9.pdf (16 pages, 1.5 Mo)


Healthcare organizations want the loopholes in Bill C-32 closed (p1-3)

Health Canada seizes  25 million flavoured cigars


Tobacco Info welcomes new team (p3)


Winner of the 2012 Luther L. Terry Award for Community Service

Stan Shatenstein on advocacy and the banality of death (p4-5)


Singapore hosts the 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (p6)


Prabhat Jha wins Luther Terry award for outstanding research (p6)


Health groups forced to cut jobs while waiting for new federal strategy (p7)


The art of quitting: Ottawa Conference tackles low abstinence rates (p8-9)


National Non-Smoking Week highlights how hard quitting can be (p10)


Tobacco control and environmental advocates share the same skeptics (p11)

Merchants of Doubt reveals two American physicists planting pseudo-science


$284 million up in smoke (p11)

Auditor General’s report confirms fears raised by Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada


Tobacco training course without the exam pressure makes learning fun (p12)


Review of new studies by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (p13)


Briefs (p14-16)

Outdoor smoking bans

Legal trouble in Alberta

Golden Holocaust book review

Monitoring tobacco use and laws

Tobacco stocks a safe investment?

Less smoking in U.S. films

Tobacco affordability

World No Tobacco Day

Nunavut anti-tobacco campaign


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